Encodes responses using the configured encoding(s). A typical use for encoding is compression.
encode [<matcher>] [<formats...>] {
# encoding formats
gzip [<level>]
zstd [<level>]
minimum_length <length>
match {
status <code...>
header <field> [<value>]
<formats...> is the list of encoding formats to enable. If multiple encodings are enabled, the encoding is chosen based the request's Accept-Encoding header; if the client has no strong preference (q-factor), then the first supported encoding is used. If omitted,
(preferred) andgzip
are enabled by default. -
gzip enables Gzip compression, optionally at a specified level.
zstd enables Zstandard compression, optionally at a specified level (possible values = default, fastest, better, best). The default compression level is roughly equivalent to the default Zstandard mode (level 3).
minimum_length the minimum number of bytes a response should have to be encoded (default: 512).
match is a response matcher. Only matching responses are encoded. The default looks like this:
match { header Content-Type application/atom+xml* header Content-Type application/eot* header Content-Type application/font* header Content-Type application/geo+json* header Content-Type application/graphql+json* header Content-Type application/javascript* header Content-Type application/json* header Content-Type application/ld+json* header Content-Type application/manifest+json* header Content-Type application/opentype* header Content-Type application/otf* header Content-Type application/rss+xml* header Content-Type application/truetype* header Content-Type application/ttf* header Content-Type application/vnd.api+json* header Content-Type application/vnd.ms-fontobject* header Content-Type application/wasm* header Content-Type application/x-httpd-cgi* header Content-Type application/x-javascript* header Content-Type application/x-opentype* header Content-Type application/x-otf* header Content-Type application/x-perl* header Content-Type application/x-protobuf* header Content-Type application/x-ttf* header Content-Type application/xhtml+xml* header Content-Type application/xml* header Content-Type font/* header Content-Type image/svg+xml* header Content-Type image/vnd.microsoft.icon* header Content-Type image/x-icon* header Content-Type multipart/bag* header Content-Type multipart/mixed* header Content-Type text/* }
Enable Gzip compression:
encode gzip
Enable Zstandard and Gzip compression (with Zstandard implicitly preferred, since it is first):
encode zstd gzip
As this is the default value, the previous configuration is strictly equivalent to:
And in a full site, compressing static files served by file_server
example.com {
root * /srv